These kind of conversations are so central to the work we do here at Mothers Against Greg Abbott + Mothers for Democracy — empowering mothers and others like us to use our own political power to create change... in our lives, the lives of those we love, and in the broader context of our nation.
The truth? Politics isn't always easy to navigate. Finding reliable sources of information is challenging nowadays when it comes to our elections. Republican politicians and far-right media outlets have made it their mission to obscure the truth. Even when that's not a concern, local races don't seem to get the kind of attention they deserve.
When it comes to politics, mothers and others like us deserve more.
Mothers for Democracy + Mothers Against Greg Abbott — with its public issue campaigns, online community, newsletters and more — is the result. We are your parent-powered, judgement-free, facts-only zone for all things relating to the 2024 elections. And we are focused on changing our country… one family at a time.
Moms, and others like us, can do anything.